Listen to Bridget

Hello All. So By now I’m sure you’ve all seen or heard our lovely new spokeswomen for the Halifax bridges. Aptly named Bridget, she is a trash talking, no nonsense gal, who tells it like it is. Who better to have for a spokesperson right? Well some think not. A particular local feminist organization doesn’t think Bridget is good at all, and is asking the Bridge Commission to take her down AND apologize. They claim the ads are objectifying women. Well I have a few things to say about that. (Not really a surprise, I know) So let’s look at the objectification. There are two things here we can all know to be true. Sex sells, and women have been peddling one thing or another on billboards since, well their invention. Do these groups have an issue with the billboards that sell perfume, or the pictures of women wearing only jeans to promote that product? It has been tossed around that women who have been sexually abused, or joked about sexually would not like the depictions of Bridg...