Drivers ED 101

Today my blog is not controversial in the normal sense, but I will not be a very nice fellow. I think however, many of you will agree with me today. Attention all you drivers out there. YES… This means you. There are some of you out there who seem to have forgotten some of the fundamental principles of operating a motor vehicle. Allow me to re-educate you. Lesson 1 : The Mirrors . Look to your left, then to your right. Then straight ahead and up jusssst a little. See those? Those things are called mirrors. You have these in your home, they are not new to you. They reflect whatever image is within your view. They are strategically placed on your vehicle so you can easily see around you without having to do too much effort. So why does it seems a colossal effort for you to use them? All you need is to shift your eyes!!! You’d be amazed how much you’ll see, and how less often you might be unwittingly attached to an oncoming vehicle in a collision sort of way. Trust me. ...