Another Survivor, Another Winner Undeserving

Survivor Heroes Vs Villains is arguably the best season ever. So why is it that the worst player won? It is no secret that I am entrenched in the Russell camp. However I can still look at the whole thing objectively, more or less. It is astounding to me that Russell can be voted the best player in the game two seasons in a row, and not garner any votes at all. The truth is, he is the best player ever to play the game, and the other players are angry that they got played.

It happens every season. The Survivor credo is to Outwit, Outlast, Outplay. Most players are ok with being outplayed or outlasted. Very few liked being outwitted. No one wants to admit that someone else is smarter than t hem. Take Rupert for example. He talks a good game, makes you think he is a “Hero”, but admits to lying and cheating to get the game done. There is also Candace. She tells Russell, “ You told lies you didn’t need to tell”. Another so called Hero talking about doing things Unhero like. A lie is a lie. It’s a part of the game. There is no varying degree of acceptable lies. The truth is, for 2 seasons Russell controlled, manipulated, and determined the course of the game. He was voted twice as best player in the game, and the second win was against the beloved (not by me) Rupert. So why don’t the other survivors like him? Simple.


They are upset that they were manipulated, and controlled by a single person. The inherent flaw in the game is that the jilted people get to vote who is the better survivor. For players like Russell, who embody the credo perfectly, winning will never be a reality. There are few people who fully respect how the game is played, and that won’t hold a grudge for being kicked off and outsmarted. I thought Coach and Boston Rob were potentially two of those types of people, but apparently I was wrong.

Sandra Winning this season is also a crime I’d like to discuss. It was nothing more than a popularity contest. Parvarti was excluded because she teamed with Russell. Sandra is one of the worst players ever to play survivor. She has won Zero challenges, strategically she was generally unsuccessful in both her seasons, and socially she often made alliances with the wrong people, and as Coach so succinctly put it, a coat tail rider. All in all, when it came to the vote, it seemed like it was who they disliked the least. That is not the job of the Jury. They are supposed to vote who played the game best. It shouldn’t matter if the person is a scoundrel, or a liar or a cheat. Those not so redeeming qualities are often crucial aspects in the game.

My Personal opinion is Russell should have one both seasons he was in, and as far as I’m concerned, he is a winner. He plays a game to get him to the end. It’s not his fault that he had 2 juries full of short sighted people who don’t know their head from their ass.


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