Coloreds Only Please

Shame. This should be the feeling that the Africville community has. It’s unlikely they do, they are probably feeling proud. They have won the battle. They took on an enemy, and were victorious. The sword of racism struck a mortal blow to Carole Nixon. Am I surprised? (Insert expletive here) no. I know I already talked about this, but today’s paper is sending me on another tirade.

So the Africville Board gave Carole Nixon a choice. Resign, or be fired without cause. The catalyst? A plain brown envelope delivered to the board and the media, outlying the “misdeeds” of Nixon’s previous jobs. How (insert expletive here) convenient. The board hires a white minister, the community revolts, and suddenly a lot of “proof” shows up that she really isn’t a good person. How goddamn f’ing stupid do you have to be? Doesn’t it seem obvious to anyone but me that this “information” came at a perfect time? The community more or less bullied the board, and the board caved. This type of behavior is taking us back to the 50’s. It’s like a reverse racism time warp.

Daurene Lewis, Chairwoman of the board was quoted as saying, “There wasn’t one particular factor, There were a number of reasons that were taken into consideration." And “This is not the first time that an organization has wound up with a candidate they’ve hired and you find out there are other issues that simply didn’t come to light . . . in the process”. What issues were they? She was white? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to read between the lines here.

The best thing I heard was from the President of the Nova Scotia Chapter of Black Social Workers. She said she was "somewhat pleased and relieved" to hear the news of Nixon’s departure, and that she is sure there is an African-Nova Scotian that can do the job. Translation: she also did not want a white person to be in this position.

My Question is: How is this Ok? This type of behavior is something they fought to get rid of. If the situations were reversed, how much media attention do you think there would be? People are afraid to touch this. Well Fuck that. I’m all over it like white on rice. These people should be ashamed of themselves. They are all for the advancement of their race while not giving others a chance. It seems like being white in 2011 is like being black in 1950. What is this world coming to?

Here is my advice to the Africville Community. Practice what you preach. Equality is not a tool you use to get what you want. Racism is not weapon to use when things don’t go your way. By engaging in these activities, you are breathing life into the same beast you accused white people of growing. Except now the beast has changed its spots. No group of race (whites included) wants or deserves to be oppressed.

So Africville, I hope you’re happy. You have assumed the role of oppressor, and wear the mantle proudly. Maybe there should be a display in your new Interpretive Centre on how you ran the white girl out. I;m sure it has all the makings of a great folk tale.

Now if you’ll excuse me, this whole thing has made me nauseous and I need to go vomit.


Anonymous said…
Ohhh Dear god Tony,

I have no idea why you leave me links to your blog as I continually disagree with you ;) It's not a black white's a cultural thing. I think they were wrong to even consider a white person for this role. People of color have history and heritage white people would not understand or relate to. This site is one of intense history and should be left to someone competent but of african heritage.
Unknown said…

Cultural? This woman has education in BLack History and Culture. Do you need to be black to teach black culture? she was hired, then let go because the community wanted a black person in the role, regardless of skill or ability. Jobs should be based on those things. the comments made reflect thier opinions. Dress it up hoever you want, put a culture coat on it, in the end, actions speak louder than words.
Anonymous said…
There are many situations I think that only a black person can fulfill roles. I beleive this is one of them.
Unknown said…
Please tell me you don't believe that . Do you feel the same about white people ? Are there certain jobs only they can do? Bearing in mind that if you say no, it puts you in racist territory. I invite you to reverse engineer that comment, and tell a black person there Are some jobs only for white people. There reaction will likely mimic mine, and carol nixon's.

Either equality exists for all or none. It can't be used as a weapon by a "minority" and dismissed when a person is deemed "not the right fit" based on color. You must see what is happening here. If a black person was let go from a church that was mainly white, all hell would break loose.

This is just not right

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