A Comedy of Errors - Starring Thomas Arnold Jones and the Sherrif’s Department
So, as most of you have probably seen, yesterday , Thomas Arnold Jones escaped a reportedly moving Sherrif’s van while be transported to the courthouse. Well this Gumshoe has a few things to point out about this supposed "Escape". Walk with me shall you?
First, in the picture taken by a driver behind the van, it proves a few rather glaring inconsistencies with the story being told.
Reports say he kicked out the back window, crawled out it, scrambled onto the bumper, and leapt off. Ok, so I may not be a crack detective, but let’s look at the obvious. First the windows. The rear windows in the picture are both still obviously intact. So let’s do some forward thinking, and assume maybe, just maybe, the door wasn’t closed properly. Oh but wait! Would an escaping criminal go out the door and then take the time, and extreme effort (ever try to operate a door on a moving vehicle?) to close it? Also it begs the lifelong philosophical question: "If a window in a Sherrif’s van is kicked out, and you pretend not to hear it, does it make a sound?" They claim they never heard him escape, and didn’t know he was gone, until they reached the court house.
Also, I would be remiss to not mention the fact that he was in shackles. So again, he crawled out a window (which is still there), while in shackles, on a moving vehicle, and was able to gracefully make it to the bumper? All I have to say here is
Also, I beg to differ on the status of the vehicle. Based on the picture, the brake lights are on. So either the vehicle was slowing or stopped. That makes it a bit easier to get out. It was reported that he crouched on the back bumper. If he was escaping, what was he crouched for? They were on a highway. Was he going to wait until the off ramp? I would guess it would difficult to maintain himself on the bumper for any period of time, where the highway speed in NS is approx. 100 -110 KM/H. So they go on to say he eventually leapt from the van on Mount Hope Ave. Would you not see a body rolling on the highway in your side mirror as it leapt from your vehicle? He was reported seen on Stephen St (3.4KM away from launch point) and was assumed to be heading to Brock St ( 3.46km from launch point).
Then when he was seemingly successfully in eluding police, he calls and turns himself in. They pick him up on Marilyn St. (3.57 KM from launch point)
Well Armchair detectives, that is my 2 cents. I won't elaborate on the conclusion, I'll let you draw your own. :)