Want A Kwikie? Don't ask for One in Maine

Hello True Believers. My latest topic delves into the utterly ridiculous. Convenience Store owners in Maine seemed to be concerned with a new lottery ticket called a Kwikie. They are concerned that the ticket carries a sexual connotation. And perhaps the name is similar to that of a “Quickie”, but let’s be serious. Aside from jokes that might occur during the initial launch, who goes into a store and asks for the sexual variety of a “Quickie”? It’s all really a matter of interpretation, and people with sick minds. What’s In a Word? There are many words that imply sexual behavior, but are not intrinsically sexual. Bang: This word means to have sex. It also means to beat, hit, run into, etc. It someone tells to stop banging on the door, I don’t think about having sex on the door. Frolic: To play and have fun. Also often associated with sex. Screw: Likely the connotation to sex for this was “Putting the Screws to “. So does that mean if I screw in a screw that I’m h...