Want A Kwikie? Don't ask for One in Maine

Hello True Believers. My latest topic delves into the utterly ridiculous. Convenience Store owners in Maine seemed to be concerned with a new lottery ticket called a Kwikie. They are concerned that the ticket carries a sexual connotation. And perhaps the name is similar to that of a “Quickie”, but let’s be serious. Aside from jokes that might occur during the initial launch, who goes into a store and asks for the sexual variety of a “Quickie”? It’s all really a matter of interpretation, and people with sick minds.

What’s In a Word?

There are many words that imply sexual behavior, but are not intrinsically sexual.

Bang: This word means to have sex. It also means to beat, hit, run into, etc. It someone tells to stop banging on the door, I don’t think about having sex on the door.

Frolic: To play and have fun. Also often associated with sex.

Screw: Likely the connotation to sex for this was “Putting the Screws to “. So does that mean if I screw in a screw that I’m having sex with it? I feel bad for that tiny screw.

These are just a few. The implied connotation is decidedly there, but it’s meant to be fun. One of the girl employees at one of stores commented “I’m only 19 years old, and I have 40- and 50-year-old men saying sexual remarks to me.” Oh. So if men under 40 ask it’s ok. What about women? When they ask is it deemed sexual? What makes her assume they are sexual? I bet if a cute 19yr old came in and asked, she’d be more than fine with it.

It truly is perception. The lottery commission meant no sexual reference, and spelled it differently. The Kwik is an obvious reference to a Kwiki Mart (Thank you, Come again) or a Kwik Way or something like that.

The obvious mental shift toward a sexual encounter in this, is purely the responsibility of the receiver. They have the ability to ignore or deflect any truly sexual innuendo by handing over the ticket and saying” That was good for me, was it good for you? “ I think half of the sexual advances are ill conceived, and likely not meant that way. The name and symbolism for the tickets have no sexual element. So my final words:

Get your minds out of the gutter people! (I need more room ;) )

Peace out.


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