Racing to Family Fun
The year was 1989. My uncle decided he wanted to race at Scotia Speedworld. At the time, there were only 2 real classes, Street Stock and Duke cars. Eventually he ended up racing both, but the street stock was the first. I helped him with everything i could. Eventually that 1979 Pontiac Lemans became a racing machine. Race night was always a big deal. the stands were full, but we sat right down in front, to the left of the starter's stand, about half way up towards turn 4. Jerry Lawrence provided the color commentary. My uncle was mildly successful, and took home a few trophies and checkered flags. It was this place in time, these memories, that made me love racing. But like anything in life, over time it got forgotten, and the burden of work and life balance got in the way. It would be 24 years before I returned to that race track... This time with my own kids in tow. I should back up a bit and say, that my wife and I had given thought to taki...