Racing to Family Fun

The year was 1989.  My uncle decided he wanted to race at Scotia Speedworld. At the time, there were only 2 real classes, Street Stock and Duke cars.  Eventually he ended up racing both, but the street stock was the first. I helped him with everything i could. Eventually that 1979 Pontiac Lemans became a racing machine. Race night was always a big deal. the stands were full, but we sat right down in front, to the left of the starter's stand, about half way up towards turn 4.  Jerry Lawrence provided the color commentary. My uncle was mildly successful, and took home a few trophies and checkered flags.  It was this place in time, these memories, that made me love racing. 
But like anything in life, over time it got forgotten, and the burden of work and life balance got in the way.  It would be 24 years before I returned to that race track... This time with my own kids in tow.
I should back up a bit and say, that my wife and I had given thought to taking the kids to Scotia Speedworld, but it never came to fruition. Then in June of 2016, my cousin Erin decided it would be a great idea to take Julian and Adora to the track for Kiddie Night.  For those who don't know what Kiddie night is, all younger kids get to go on the track, and do a lap with their favorite driver.  The cars are packed full with kids and it is a great event.  My kids drove with Brentley Pirri.  A big significance of Brentley is that back in the days of watching my uncle race, I also watched Brentley's dad race.  This felt like a full circle of life thing. (I'll refrain from doing my Lion King impression).
What happened next, and going forward, I couldn't have predicted if I tried. My kids were fully and utterly taken in by the racing.  From that night on, I don't think we missed too many Friday nights for racing. But it wasn't just the racing that was awesome, the biggest and coolest part....   the kids were INVOLVED.  They had their favorite racers, they cheered them on, and yes you guessed it...  THEY MADE SIGNS!

Last year they just made a few signs for Brentley, and they were cool.  Staring for the 2017 season, the signs took on a life of their own, and were a force to be reckoned with.  the first week we have a sign for Brentley.  Well this was so well received, that Tim Terry, the esteemed announcer, asked us if we could do a Danny Chisholm sign.  Danny was co-hosting that night, and is a young Bandolero driver.  Of course, we said we would, and we did. 
That week also brought a Jason the Track Guy sign (courtesy of Erin), and a Megan Parrott sign.
People may wonder why we made the signs...  It’s simple really. To show support to those that entertain us, and to show then they mean as much us, as we do to them. (And to show people how crazy we really are) The signs have been a constant form of entertainment for us, and I would think Scotia Speedworld as well.  Not one Friday night goes by that Tim Terry doesn't mention them. (and of course I tweet SSW a few days before to prepare them) The creation of the signs is as much fun to us as going to the races.  Jocelyn and I get involved, and the level of detail in the signs has increased. We have become known as the Sign Crew. 
As I write this, we currently have signs for Brentley, Megan, Danny, Jason the Track Guy, Rob the Flag Guy and Ravishing Rick (He didn't see it yet, because last week got rained out). 
In development, we have the Twitter Guy sign, (he jokingly I think requested it), a Tim Terry sign, and thoughts on a few more racers. 
Something else that this has started, is a desire in my daughter.  She wants to race.  They have a Bandolero division that kids from age 7-16 race in.  I don't know that we will ever get her there, but I will sure as heck try. 
So why am I telling this long-winded story?  Well I wanted to share how this event has brought our family closer together. Jocelyn, Julian, Adora and I have something we all share a love for. We create signs together, we go to the races together, we cheer together, and we have a great family time.  Friday night is now our official family night, and from April to September, from 6pm to 11, you will know where to find us.
Before I leave, I can't say how important Erin was to this creation and enjoyment of our Family Race night.  She was there, and made that push, and for that all 4 of us are eternally grateful.   For the rest of you, if you want to experience the track, or want to come and hold signs, (we may need more recruits) come out and have a good time. I can't promise you enjoy it all, but I can say you WILL be entertained. 
Peace out. and, remember our racing motto:  Drive Hard, Turn left.


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