T-Shirt Tales

So here I am again, voicing and opinion on a controversial subject. When will I stop you ask? How about the 5th Tuesday of next month?

 If you are easily offended, or believe deeply in Jesus, I’d be cautious about reading ahead. If you want to hear what I think, (And I assume you do or you wouldn’t be here) read on.

 Young William Swinimer thinks that “Life is Wasted without Jesus”. His fellow High School students disagreed, thinking their lives to be just fine without Jesus, and complained to the principal. The principal, being of sound mind and judgment, and with the best interest of his students in mind, asks Mr. Swinimer to remove the shirt. In an act of Godly defiance, Mr. Swinimer refuses. The principal, after repeated attempts, and repeated refusals, suspends Mr. Swinimer. This of course caused a whole lot of noise. Mr. Swinimer states “The reason I’m wearing the T-shirt is because I’m standing up for my religion and for my freedom of speech”.

 Well what about his fellow students’ rights to go to school in a non-offensive environment? Or their right to not have religious views imposed on them? It is no secret that not everyone believes in Jesus. And f you don’t believe in Jesus, is your life wasted without him? It is according to Mr. Swinimer. I wonder if a student came to school with a shirt that said “life is wasted without Ala” or I’m Pagan and I’m proud”, or a student wore a Pentagram around their neck instead of a cross, what would Mr. Swinimer have to say? What would the Pastor at his Church, who encouraged him to protest, say? I would bet dollars to donuts that both would freak out, and cause just as big a fuss as they did in “protecting” their beliefs.

If there is one thing I have noticed about religion, it is the general intolerance for other religions. But even odder still, is the disagreements between all the Christian based religions. Really it seems to be the centering on Jesus and god that seems to cause the most shit. But let’s step back for a minute and look at something that is TRULY the basis for this issue.


 Mr. Swinimer has an obvious lack of respect for his fellow schoolmates, and the administration of his school. His Pastor is feeding this lack of respect in the name of Jesus. I’m not up to speed on my Bible but Romans 13:1-3 says

"Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted….

It goes on to talk about punishment and the like, but you get the point. I also like this one from Phillippians 2:3

”Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself”

Well, I’m no expert, but it appears to me that Mr. Swinimer didn’t follow through on either of these. Not only are these religious requirements, but basic fundamental humanity components. Maybe Mr. Swinimer should be spending more time considering his effect on others, and less time trying to be a quasi, self-made Martyr.

I also think it is deplorable that the Pastor encouraged this, a blatant disregard for authority. It was clearly indicated that the school would have said and done nothing if the shirt read “ MY life is wasted without Jesus”. The school is all for supporting religious views and beliefs, but not when they are imposed on others. What gives him the right to tell others their lives are wasted?

One could argue it is all semantics, but offense is offense. Was I really offended by the shirt? Naw. You know why? Because I have my beliefs and they sustain me. But I can see how it would be offensive, and Mr. Swinimar should have had the respect to remove the shirt. No one was attacking his beliefs, they simply didn’t agree with his shirt and its summary judgment of non-believers.

 I leave you today, with a quote from Italian philosopher  Galileo Galilei:

 I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.


Anonymous said…
Heyyy Tony....yup controvertial as always. I think most are missing the point in this. It didn't need to be national news. A kid wearing something offensive to some was the end result. The beginning was this child talking about religion...trying to 'convert' others into his beliefs. Which I don't have a problem with. This child obviously is devout and good on him for believing so passionately. I think the conversation at this point would have been with the students who took offense or who were uncomfortable with the conversation. They could have been coached tolerance and how to respond to someone who states thier beliefs when you don't believe the same things or don't wish to have that conversation. This would have prepared THOSE children for later life and this would have not come to the big issue it has because those children would have been able to deal with it more effectively. Or maybe it would have come to this. Who knows. I guess I agree with you somewhat in that if someone anyone...even one person finds something offensive that you should then attempt to change your behavour, perfume, shirt.
Unknown said…
Hello Anonymous. I hope it was a typo when you said that you don’t have a problem with him trying to convert others. It actually goes higher than that. He was removing value from those he offended, and this is not acceptable. All life has value. And it is not acceptable to force your beliefs on others. People should be free to choose, without influence, or fear of their lives being forfeit because they don’t choose correctly. And if the boy’s belief is that every life that doesn’t believe in Jesus is wasted, who really needs the coaching? Being devout doesn’t make it ok. How many people in history died at the hands of the devout because they would not accept the religion forced on them?
Tolerance applies to people’s beliefs, not their right to impose them on others. I am all for being tolerant. Although throughout history Christianity hasn’t really worn that mantle. People are free to believe want they want, in no way shape or form is it ok to tell me or anyone else, what to believe. Children or adults for that matter should never need to be coached on how to “deal” with imposition. Imposition is the enemy of tolerance. So are you saying its ok for him to impose because he is Christian? What if a pagan at his school was imposing on him that Jesus was a phony? Would you expect Mr. Swinamer to be tolerant? His actions at the school clearly showed he is not tolerant at all. And truthfully, to him, he is a hypocrite. What you are talking about is the beginnings of oppression. And what about the bible saying to respect others? Imposition on others is not respectful. It’s ignorant and quite frankly, offensive. You’ll notice that I didn’t once mention my own beliefs. I don’t believe in Jesus, or God, is my life valueless? Please answer honestly. I have been successful in life and work, and feel my life has great value, and so do those around me, and those who know me (so I hope).

Sorry to rant. The shirt really wasn’t a bother, it’s the connotative message that it conveys. EVERY life has value, regardless of belief.
Thanks for listening.
Anonymous said…
Hey there...no typo...I have no issue with anyone trying to convert others or share thier particular veiws. Whether or not someone wants to be swayed is thier decision. Whether or not someone feels uncomfortable with this is something the person needs to deal with and then address with that person. As children....as with anything in life...they need to be taught how to deal with someone who is making them uncomfortable. It is a social skill that perhaps the children exposed to this person's 'preaching' did not have to deal with before. I don't really feel the need to address other points you have but I will a bit. If someone came to school and preached about devil worhip (to use the other end of the spectrum I guess) I would hope that it would be dealt with similarly. If someone is feeling uncomfortable with a person talking about thier beliefs ... learn how to respectfully tell them you no longer want to hear about it. Self esteem comes from knowing ....knowing...your life is not wasted regardless of your beliefs or lack thereof.

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