
Showing posts from 2013

Homeless by Accident or Beggar by Design?

Good day True Believers! So I want to bring a topic to the world that I usually reserve for ranting in the car to the windshield. (Yes, I talk to myself in the car, and yes I'm ok with it). It's the topic of the Homeless. More accurately, the homeless in Halifax, and the observations I've made. This is in no way a rant/attack/hate on the homeless in general. That being said, please enter the hazy spectacle that is my brain......... So our fine city of Halifax. As of 2011 the population of Halifax was 390,096 and the urban area had a population of 297,943. In the city of Halifax, the 2 most popular places for homeless to hang out and ask for money is Spring Garden Rd and the Windsor Street Exchange. Let's look at SGR first shall we? A veritable Hub of activity, SGR seems to never sleep. At any given moment the street is full of people, and also has its share of panhandlers. So with that, let's conduct a little math equation. Let's say for argumen...

No Dodge-ing the bad Customer Service

So do many of you have issues with your Dodge vehicles?  I bet it doesn't top my friend's issue. Recently he took his Dodge Calibre into a local Dodge dealer for a routine Safety Inspection and oil change.  The car is 7 years old, and has less than 70,000 KM.  Within a few hours they contacted him, and advised that his front and rear cross members were rusted out completely.  This is an amazing thing, since they are metal, and should not rust out in 7 years.  The car is a 2007.  There are cars 20+ years old on the road that do not have rusted crossmembers .  This is an obvious defect.  Well it seems the Crossmember is not the only defect.  The level of customer service for Dodge/Chrysler is also defective. Here is a pic of the crossmember So the crossmember is defective.  The Dodge dealer quoted a price to fix it, and also cited that any collateral damage as part of replacing the crosssmember would be his to pay, not...

Here's your fine.... For Bullying?

Hello my true believing readers, and welcome to another episode of ....  That is so Dumb!  Ok, I take part of that back, the desire is true, and the heart was there, but I don't think it was entirely thought through.  Let me explain.  Coun . Linda Mosher said it’s time for the municipality to adopt an anti-bullying bylaw so police can issue tickets.  Issue tickets for bullying?  While I think her heart is in the right place, I don't see how this would ever be a productive measure.  Bullying is a broad scope anyway, and this proposed fine will open it up even more.  How do you prove it? Unless the Officer directly sees it, the "bullying" is open to interpretation.  Who's to say that two kids would lie together to get a fine for some kid they just don't like?   Maybe they could lump it in with other bylaws that rarely get enforced, like helmets for skateboarders and cyclists.  Because we know how well these a...

Malls Don't Educate.... They SELL.

I have decided that we live in a world where people look for shit to complain about, and pass it off as offensive. Enter the newest Mic Mac Mall campaign. It was a campaign geared towards back to school, and the primary demographic was young girls.  Well no surprise there.  Of course when it comes to back to school the young girls do the most shopping.  To not gear your campaign towards them would be ludicrous.  Want to know what else is ludicrous? People calling the ads Sexist and Demeaning.  Here is a shot of the ad: So let me remind you of a few things.  First, young girls like to shop.  The majority anyway.  SO the first panel, my favorite class? SHOP! It's a pun and a play on words.  Clever actually.  But let's be realistic.  Have you ever overheard a conversation between two girls about what they learned in school? Maybe, but I bet you've heard a lot of clothes and shopping discussions.   that is what they like...

Drivers ED 101

Today my blog is not controversial in the normal sense, but I will not be a very nice fellow. I think however, many of you will agree with me today. Attention all you drivers out there. YES… This means you. There are some of you out there who seem to have forgotten some of the fundamental principles of operating a motor vehicle. Allow me to re-educate you. Lesson 1 : The Mirrors .  Look to your left, then to your right. Then straight ahead and up jusssst a little. See those? Those things are called mirrors. You have these in your home, they are not new to you. They reflect whatever image is within your view. They are strategically placed on your vehicle so you can easily see around you without having to do too much effort. So why does it seems a colossal effort for you to use them? All you need is to shift your eyes!!! You’d be amazed how much you’ll see, and how less often you might be unwittingly attached to an oncoming vehicle in a collision sort of way. Trust me. ...

Schools vs Hetero Parents. Film at 11

We interupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special rant.  Hello all.   Sooooo… my latest topic is a bit controversial, and I might say some things you might not like.   I want to preface this by saying I have nothing against the GLBT community.   That being said…..   Ok. So Astral Drive Elementary School has decided, it what I’m sure they thought to be infinite wisdom, to dispense with the celebration of Mother’s and Father’s day, due to a complaint by a same sex couple in 2011. This has brought the president of the PTO to resign, and other parents to protest the loss of celebration of these two days. My first question is, what are the same sex couple and the school thinking? My second question, and more important…. Why is the same sex couple offended? I’ll address question two first. Perhaps they are concerned that the child they have will feel left out of celebratory activities. Or perhaps they want to remove the disti...

Locked and Loaded, and just out of Diapers

“In southern Kentucky, where some children get their first guns even before they start first grade, Stephanie Sparks was cleaning the kitchen as her 5-year-old son played with the small rifle he was given last year. Then, as she stepped onto the front porch, "she heard the gun go off" Ok, lets back WAAAAYYYY the fuck up. A 5yr old was “playing” with a rifle. How the fuck do you play with a rifle? What kind of idiot parent do you have to be to let your kid play with a rifle? The family said they didn't realize a bullet had been left in it. So not only are they idiotic, but now they are careless. Isn’t it part of the end of the hunting day ritual to make sure your gun is not loaded? Coroner Gary White said: "Down in Kentucky where we're from, you know, guns are passed down from generation to generation," White said. "You start at a young age with guns for hunting and everything." What is more unusual than a child having a gun, he said, is ...

Want A Kwikie? Don't ask for One in Maine

Hello True Believers. My latest topic delves into the utterly ridiculous. Convenience Store owners in Maine seemed to be concerned with a new lottery ticket called a Kwikie. They are concerned that the ticket carries a sexual connotation. And perhaps the name is similar to that of a “Quickie”, but let’s be serious. Aside from jokes that might occur during the initial launch, who goes into a store and asks for the sexual variety of a “Quickie”? It’s all really a matter of interpretation, and people with sick minds. What’s In a Word? There are many words that imply sexual behavior, but are not intrinsically sexual. Bang: This word means to have sex. It also means to beat, hit, run into, etc. It someone tells to stop banging on the door, I don’t think about having sex on the door. Frolic: To play and have fun. Also often associated with sex. Screw: Likely the connotation to sex for this was “Putting the Screws to “. So does that mean if I screw in a screw that I’m h...

Rap Battles Of Epicness (and History)

Hello!   For those of you not familiar with Youtube or online videos, may not know my topic today.   If you don’t that’s ok.   After this blog, you will most likely enjoy them as I do.   So without Further ado I give you…… That’s right. Epic Rap Battles of History. This series is the brain child of Lloyd Alqhuist and Peter Shukoff, better known to their followers as EpicLLoyd(@theepiclloyd) and Nice peter(@nicepeter). The Rap battles started in 2010 and continue into today, with no signs of stopping. The Battles pit real life and fictional characters from History, rapping against each other. Each rap is meticulously researched, and there many one liners and inside jokes that make these 3 minute videos memorable. They take votes from fans via their website, and request suggestions for future battles. What is also memorable is how well Lloyd, Peter and guests, portray the characters. From Mr.T vs Mr. Rogers, to Adam Vs Eve, the combinations seem endless. ...

The GoodLife Gets Worse

SO here we go again. For those who need a refresher, here is the original link to the first issue. So things got resolved, or so it seemed with the payments. It turns out the credits I was promised didn’t get applied, and my membership should have been on hold until at least January 11, 2013 (though it should have been longer since they didn’t fix the issue until August 7, 2012) and they took a full payment on Jan 4, 2013. So of course I decide to contact them. Calling them is difficult, as the hold times are usually 45 min or greater, (go figure) so I emailed them. They gave me a standard response of hearing back in 3 business days. This was on January 9th. On Jan 15th I decided to go to social media, as this seemed to have an impact last time. Here is the Twitter conversation that occurred: Then to illustrate their lack of customer service, there was no further replies to my tweet...