Homeless by Accident or Beggar by Design?

Good day True Believers! So I want to bring a topic to the world that I usually reserve for ranting in the car to the windshield. (Yes, I talk to myself in the car, and yes I'm ok with it). It's the topic of the Homeless. More accurately, the homeless in Halifax, and the observations I've made. This is in no way a rant/attack/hate on the homeless in general. That being said, please enter the hazy spectacle that is my brain......... So our fine city of Halifax. As of 2011 the population of Halifax was 390,096 and the urban area had a population of 297,943. In the city of Halifax, the 2 most popular places for homeless to hang out and ask for money is Spring Garden Rd and the Windsor Street Exchange. Let's look at SGR first shall we? A veritable Hub of activity, SGR seems to never sleep. At any given moment the street is full of people, and also has its share of panhandlers. So with that, let's conduct a little math equation. Let's say for argumen...