Eddy, I got your back

So even after a peaceful protest, where the city aided in covering up the Edward Cornwallis statue, people still felt the need to graffiti the statue. I'm not surprised. This is typically how bullies get what they want. 

Yes I called the Mi'kmaq bullies. What else would you call it ? They are attempting to force the city, by way of scare tactics and childish behaviour, to remove the statue. Sounds like a bully to me. 

They say he participated in genocide. This is stretching it. He was at war with the French, whom the Mi'kmaq were aligned with. The Mi'kmaq also were killing a lot of British soldiers, does that mean they were also participating in genocide? They were offered money for British scalps... did they not bring in any? I suspect a few were gathered. As an English descendant, should this offend me? Should I be protesting the Glooscap statue in Millbrook? 

Our province has always been more than gracious to the Mi'kmaq people. The province has acknowledged the fact they were here before everyone else. We still have Mi'kmaq names for a lot of areas in our province. Very few things carry the Cornwallis name anymore. The whitewashing of history needs to stop. 

Cornwallis actually attempted to create peace. The Mi'kmaq refused. Though both parties were equally guilty in the killing and slaughtering of each other's people, Cornwallis is made out to be villainous. 

There are many European descendants that live in Halifax. While I'm sure most of them don't agree with killing and hostile takeovers, they are happy that Cornwallis settled the area we call home. Would we have this great city we do today if he hadn't ? 

How many of those protesting live in Halifax ?  How many use the city on a daily basis. Don't want to point fingers, but that seems highly hypocritical. 

We don't always agree with things that happened in history, but we shouldn't try to erase it.  We shouldn't ask to tear down statues of founders of cities. 

We should know our history, and not try to strong arm others into thinking that we owe them something for events that happened well before they were ever thought of. The statue has stood for 86 years, also longer than many of the protestors have been alive. 

Finally I'll state, there are some people, likely a large silent majority, that believe Cornwallis should be recognized for founding our great city. Some are offended by the actions and demands of the Mi'kmaq, and remain silent. To those I say, remain silent no longer. Stand up for our city, and its founder. 


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